no variable name thats under 3 characters, unless widely accepted (e. Follow the indentation and naming conventions already in place. If you're adding new dependencies they must be packaged in the repo for the action to work.
A pack of maps you found that you think are cool is not fine. Avoid uploading packs - Unless theyre all your work.
For customizing the inputs while debugging: change the debug.ts file and set the DEBUG flag to true in index.ts Avoid requiring other addons - If your addon does require another addon - it shouldnt throw errors if that addon isnt present. Welcome to my Garrys Mod Maps collection In this collection you will find most of the maps within the Garrys Mod workshop made by other people. To build the project and run it: npm run start How to Create a Steam Workshop Collection Nodecraft 2.85K subscribers Subscribe 1.6K Share 105K views 4 years ago For a text-based version of this guide, click here.
The project runs with NPM, any PR changing NPM to any other package manager will be denied. name: Publish to Steam Workshop uses: with:Īccount-name: $ Debugging / Building / Contribution name: Checkout uses: # Creates a GMA and publishes it to the Steam Workshop Roleplay: This command allows players to use /rp to tell players any rp action they do universally such as fixing machines, picking up objects, etc.# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it Serpent Hand Comms: This command allows players to use /scomms which is like a communications chat, players can use this to talk to people inside the Serpent's Hand.Įvent: This command allows gamemasters or staff to use /event to tell players their is an event about to happen, to narrate an event or even have communication as event characters. Open Comms: This command allows players to use /ocomms which is like a communications chat, players can use this to talk to people not in their respective groups.įoundation Comms: This command allows players to use /fcomms which is like a communications chat, players can use this to talk to people inside the foundation. The V3 has a different look from the other two which is why I released 3 of them.
These are all based off of ULX rank and is auto set to superadmin, make sure to give users their permissions if you want them to be able to use it. This addon allows players & staff to use different types of chats for different roleplay interactions on a SCP Server.